Page 29 - YB1960
P. 29
EDWIN GEORGE ABEL, JR. Economics One of the vetville group ... Going to college on his wife's scholar- ship plan. . Spent four years wit!l Uncle Sam . Wants to return to Hawaii . . Got tired of bemg a Capitalist so he bought a Renault. Uppermost thought in his mind-r'Will I ever make it?" ELZBIETA KLEMENTYNA ADAMSKi\. Political Science Delta Omicron 2, 3, 4 Club 1, 2, 3, 4; 4; Women's Glee "Bess" ... From music to political science Toe in the mouse trap . Took up astronomy . Can't communicate without ber hands Drives ,1 bug . Forgot to take memory pills. . An ex- pert at polkas .. Known for her portrayal of 'The Apple". . Drummer boy of the Junior Follies . Pilot on the Cleveland pike. TOM LOUIE ALBERTSON Philosophy Cali/lila Bela cu. S. C. A. 1,2,3 (Treasurer 3); M. S. M. 1,2,3 (Treasurer 2); Sunday Fellowship 1, 2, 3 (Presidellt 2); Gold Bug 2,3,4 (Editor-in-chief 4); Publications Board 4; l untor- Senior Prom. Co-Clunrnum, hmtor Follies. "Tom" Gets things done Mr. Eelitor-even looks like an editor when his Iupe IS lit .. There's my roomie!" "Dad burn- it! Followed closely in the Gilmore tradition and traded in his roommate for a more congenial one in vetville .. Eats up this family man stuff . Loved summer camp and the canning factory!
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