Page 28 - YB1960
P. 28
SENIOR CLASS OFFICEBS Seated lefl If) right: Carol Dixon, S_G.A. representative; Patricia \Velk, vice president; Phyllis Cassetta, secretary. Starn/lug: Lloyd Musselman, treasurer; James Thomas, prcsidout. Not pic- tured: Don Lowe, S.C.A. representative SENIOR CLASS When we entered Western Maryland Col- and lasting friendships opened wider than lege as Freshmen, 1960 seemed a very distant ever. date in our minds. But four years here on the Junior year hrought us, as a class, closer than Hill have sped by much more quickly than we ever. At the prom that spring we bade realized. It is hard now to remember how we "Sa yonora" to the departing Seniors. Then felt as Freshmen entering college and facing almost immediately the excitement and rush so many new experiences. \Vere we really of -our Follies began. Days and nights of strangers to each other - only faces under planning, work, and fun came to a climax green beanies with a few first names attached when "Mnnsfleldnite" and the Mansfield were here and there? Was the first class, exam, unveiled to a packed Alumni Hall. Then May dance or tea really such an exciting, awesome Day, investiture and elections rushed upon us, experience? It doesn't seem possible now, but and suddenly we realized that there was only then it was true. one more year of college left Each year has brought its own set of new We are Senters now and can look back on ex-periences and opportunities. As "wise" four very Full college years - Full of fun, but Sophomores we greeted the wide-eyed Fresh- more Important, full of opportunities to in- and understanding of many men and proceeded to orient them by various crease our our knowledge in our chosen areas fields. to deepen means to the ways of college life. Fortunately for them our attention was soon diverted when As individuals We and have as a class we h.ave groW:l become r nd changed. different indi- we, ourselves, were oriented into the ways of viduals because we have been here, known our sororities and fraternities. Much work, these people, and had these experiences. These fun, and fellowship filled those busy days as years here on the Hill are years never to be pledges. Available opportunities for service forgotten by the Class of 1960. 24
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