Page 237 - YB1960
P. 237
SECOND SEMESTER SORORITIES Second semester pledges had hardly been rnent. Each sorority picked a team of four formally initiated when they found them- to compete in duplicate bridge against the selves in the midst of a busy season for other clubs. Phi Alpha Mu was the winner. sororities on Western Maryland's campus. Attention turned to the freshman women Most of the major activities of the spring as each sorority held rush teas in McDaniel. semester were carried out under the super- Lounge to which they invited all women of vision of the Intersorority Council. Inter- the class of '63. Immediately after spring va- sorority Council's second semester officers cation the sororities began work on the rush were: Patricia Welk, president; Joan Wood, parties which each organization held off vice president; ~.vlary Jo Smith, secretary; campus. Members of the freshman class and Glenda Luttrell, treasurer. Each officer were invited to these events by invitation of was president of her own club. the sorority giving the party. Early in the semester the Intersorority Barely were these activitie.s over before Council-sponsored basketball tournament the clubs held their elections for the coming was held. After several close games, Phi year's officers.Spring banquets honoring de- Alpha Mu was able to place the winner's parting seniors quickly followed-just one cup on their clubroom shelf. Hardly had the more signal which reminded the class of '60 basketball tournament ended when the in- that the end of college days was approach- terest turned to the annual bridge tournn. ing more rapidly than ever. PHI ALPHA MU Seated, left to right: D, Hill, S. Board, P. Welk, SIGr.IA SIGMA TAU M. L. Eaton, D. Myers, S. Fossett. Siaudiug: First row, left to right: B. Stevens, 13. Hastings. S. Holloway, C. Foard, A. MacVicker, M. C. Second row: J. Akers, D. King,]. Wood, :1'1.Kirby, ~"cCormick. B, Ackerman.
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