Page 233 - YB1960
P. 233
SPRING SPORTS The exceptional records Western Mary- favorable record. Chief among the season's land teams compiled during the fall and successes were Bob Cuthrell's performances. winter seasons continued with spring sports. He set a new Mason-Dixon championship Campus spirit ancl support was high for the meet record of 12 Ft., 9 in. in pole vaulting athletic teams. and then went on to set a new overall con- Chief among the illtcres~s of the fans was ference record of 13 ft., 4 In., later in the Dick Pugh's highly successful baseball team. season. The Medley Helay team also set a For the first time in several years western new conference record at the Mason-Dixon Maryland fans watched a winning Terror championship meet. nine on the baseball diamond. And not only On the female side of the campus, the was it a winning team in regular season play women were also busy with athletic pur- with a 12-7 record, but it captured the suits. Although they had no organized inter- northern division Mason-Dixon title with a collegiate competition in the spring, the 7-2 conference record. The team then women's intramural program was a busy journeyed south to play in the post-season and complete one, The Women's Athletic Mason-Dixon conference playoffs and re- Association conducted the intramural turned to the Hill as i'vf-D champs, a first program. for allY Terror baseball squad. The tennis team, hampered by key injuries, Badminton attracted several participants intra-class lost several close matches. Consequently, and it took before a number of close class champs the individual matches their record of 7 wins and 9 losses was not could he determined. Volleyball was the perhaps the best it might have been. But next sport on the intramural program. Class for Professor Frank D. Hurt who was mark- ing his twenty-fifth year as WMC's tennis teams were formed from girls who qualified coach, it wns significant to note that his after attending a specific number of prac- of none class the overall record was an enviable one of 22 tices. However, the one, and only, senior teams team prevent could winning seasons as opposed to only 3 losing from being proclaimed the overall winner. ones. This, of course was particularly gralifying The track team under Coach Dick Clow- to those seniors who had actively partici_ er's handling also managed to compile a pared in sports for the entire four years. BASEBALL TEAM First row, teit io rig/,'; L. Biser, K. Phillips, A. Stewart. H. <;010.H. Harris, C. Kirkn~an,J. I?e~'ley, K. Barnhart SeC/HId row." H. Yobst, L. Klein, R. Terry, C. Browl~, J. Bade,). Waddel, C. Hamson. T/llrd row: D. Sullivan' C. Wulter , T. O'Malley, A. \Viles, L. Moose, \V. Whitmore, Coach Richard Pugh. '
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