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to celebrate the festival of May Day. And "Here's to you ... ," but not before show- hardly was this weekend over before the ing the "better" side of each senior girl to senior girls marched, lantern in hand, to all assembled in Robinson Garden. Hoffa Field where the freshmen women President and Mrs. Ensor entertained the paid the feminine half of the class of 1960 senior class at a formal reception in their their formal farewell. At Rose Cup the home. However, not even formal dress pre- junior women presented each senior woman vented the class members from gathering with ,1 red rose and sang the traditional, around the piano and exhuberanrly singing their Junior Follies songs. Exams came and went and before one could give it a second thought Commence- ment weekend was at hand. The Diary of Anile Frank, the Commencement play, marked the initiation of activities. And Sat- urday while alumni gathered on campus for reunions, the seniors held their class picnic at Meadowview despite the wetness. Dr. Ensor's Baccalaureate address pre- sented the seniors with the challenge to be- come more than the average person in the world, and in so doing to remember that the happy and successful man is he whose material well-being is complemented by his spiritual well-being. June 6, dawned bright and sunny. Each senior donned his cap and gown for the final time. FOUl" years had corne and gone and each now possessed his own sheepskin. And as the class s,mg the Alma Mater, together, Tennessee \ViIJiarn's Portrait of (I MadurI/III, added for the last time, the words never seemed a serious note to the Junior Plays. truer. The "Playboy" Junior Prom a la Easter bun- nies is enjoyed by guests.
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