Page 101 - YB1960
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discusx campus problems and Ol'ganization under the leadership of president Norman Davis and vice president Donna King. Supporting officers of the council include secret"ry and treasurer, which are helel by Carol Dixon and jnmes Thomas. The government's work began early in September with the Student Leadership Con- ference and Freshmen Orientation Week. Soon afterward" plans were set in action for the cO(_lrdination of Homecoming activities and Within the same month, the Student Government Council voted to apply for mem- bership in the United States National Student Association. This step proved western Mary- land's willingness to expand its respousibilitiex and broaden its scope of government. Since the second floor of the new Student Union bUilding \ViIS under the control of the S.C.A., i.t sought to utilize the relaxing atmos- "This is indc.cdnmomcnlOllsoccnsion!" phere 01' tho ne.1V loumre nnd sponsored Satur- day evening informal dunces. Traditional ceremonies and activities re- mained a part of the busy year's schedule. With these ideals in mind, the S.C.A.. sets However, in addition, new committees were forth to serve the campus community. Each organized and some new ideas were formu- Monday evening, at 6:45 p.m., S.C.A. meets lated and initiated. in the new council room of the \Ninslow Stu- 1n an attempt to make forward strides of dent Center. The council, composed of repre- action, the S.C.A. found itrelf the never- sentatives from each class; the class presidents; ending process of building .<1 govern- the dorm presidents; Intersorority and Inter- ment foundation which in future years could Fraternity Council presidents, settles down to better serve Western Maryland College. Chris[''',lS cheer filled the utr at the tree lighting ccrcmontos
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