Page 96 - YB1959_Classical
P. 96
Freshman Advisory Council Cooperating with the Deans and the S.C.A., the Freshman Advisory Council was quite busy spreading the welcome mat in September for the new students. Their work began in the spring of '58, when many meetings were held to organize an effective advisory system. A first for this group was a newsletter sent to the new women students with information perti- nent to everyday life on the "Hill". The Coun- cil helped the freshmen become acquainted FTOnt TOW,left to right: J. Filbey, N. Jones, P. Cooper, J. Trabucco, V. Pott. Second row: A. Hisley, J. with W.M.C., its life and traditions, and as- Schaefer, R. Runkles, D. Mathias, A. Palmer. Third sisted in other ways to aid their adjustment on TOW:J. Leatherwood, K. Helbig, P. VanDyke, K. Bond. Fourth row: A. Wortz, H. Taylor, A. Dawkins, M. the "Hill". Patricia Cooper and James Lewis [ceres, T. Kaylor. Fifth row: S. Cook, Dean H. Howery, Dean W. David, C. Thomas, J. Cole. acted as co-chairmen of the Council. Sophomore Welcoming Committee The Sophomore Welcoming Committee, of- or carrying freshman girls' suitcases were a few ficially a first this year, came back to school things that helped to make their days pass by early to help with Freshman Orientation Week. quickly. To this group fell many of the odd jobs that Members of the committee included ten must be done before the upperclassmen arrive. sophomore men selected by the Men's Advisory Helping to mark tests, getting the biology Council and several sophomore women chosen equipment out of the corridor in Lewis Hall by Dean Howery. Seated, left to Tight: B. Yates, B. Horst, D. Bell, W. Con- rad. Standing: J. Myers, I. Stewart, M. Arsenault. 92
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