Page 84 - YB1959_Classical
P. 84
Sophomore Class No longer at the bottom of the totem pole, though, as sororities and fraternities claimed we returned to school last fall, confident that much of our time and energy. Our loyalties we must know almost everything. If this feeling were now divided, but the unity of our class prevailed up to the first round of tests, it was remained unbroken. dropped abruptly soon after. With a greater feeling of security and be- While our classmates were enjoying the last longing, we participated in campus activities few days of sun and salt water, some of us were wholeheartedly. We planned our floats, nomi- returning to "the Hill" to welcome a new batch nated our .beauties, and joined numerous of freshmen. Recalling the problems of our organizations. In our "spare" time, we burned own first year, we tried to help them adjust to the midnight oil and struggled over classes of their new surroundings. A week later, however, increasing complexity. we were regarded with mixed hostility as we We were one step higher-looking to the dealt out punishments for rat rule infractions. future with hopes, looking back on the past Watching the freshmen, march offto biology with sighs. As the year drew to a close, we lab with lab manuals, we realized that we had became juniors and wondered when we said, left behind an important phase of our college "So long, Seniors, and good luck," whether they career. There was little time for reflection, did not envy us. First row, left to Tight: R. Carter, P. Benham, D. Rembert, T. Wilds, P. Sullivan, J. Holter, D. Shankle,!. Stewart, B. McCallum, A. Katz, R. Levi. Second 1'OW: N. Smith, J. De Flora, J. Cook, S. Scott, P. Scott, J. Alexander, J. Zajac, S. Nystrom, B. Hastings,!. Ewertz, C. Powell, G. Drake, M. Herring, J. Boettger, R. Ireland. Third. row: J. Shadrach, S. Wheeler, J. Tye, B. Holland, E. White, M. Gaskill, L. Hurff, J. Hatton, J. House, D. Bell, B. Stevens, C. Ring, P. Lakin, D. Simmons, J. Simmons, A. Morley, L. Sterling. Fourth row: E. Mann, J. Eberle, M. Wood- ward, M. Wilson, S. Bixler, M. Gnagey, L. Thompson, J. Kerr, C. Shankle, C. Reichenbecker, M. Burgess, B. Butler, J. Akers, J. Tyson, J. Graff. Fifth row: R. Buckingham, J. Worden, T. Tyler, ·C. Wimmer, A. Hinckley, R. Poore, G. Kurtz, A. Ward, A. Brown, D. Shure. Sixth row: O. Willen, D. Leneski, T. Bryan, K. Johnson, D. Rice, H. Andrion, C. Utz, A. Rosenstein, R. Stonesifer, W. Conrad, C. Mitchell, D. Pippin, M. Arsenault, C. Bernstein, F. Dean, G. Bluehdorn.
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