Page 83 - YB1959_Classical
P. 83
Junior Class In our junior year, we could see clearly A feeling of regret crept into our thoughts as emerging the progress and goals of each of our we remembered we were approaching the end classmates. The year ahead loomed as a busy of Our stay here. We still had one more year, one and proved to be just that. Eagerly we but this is a short time at Western Maryland. paddled our friends into sororities and frater- The traditions were becoming more meaning- nities-glad to be the paddler instead of the ful; they were a part of us. We led our sched- paddled. Thanksgiving followed quickly in the uled lives and realized the search for greater wake of an exciting Homecoming, and before knowledge and self-improvement were not we were back into the routine of campus life, easily acquired. it was time to leave again for Christmas. The As the college grows, we look forward to night we brewed hot chocolate and kept the new surroundings, a larger student body, and seniors awake to go caroling climaxed the pre- better things for us as a college community. Christmas activities on the Hill. We, the juniors, will help these dreams The days passed quickly, crammed full of become a reality. We have been a part of the work and fun. Spring soon arrived and we old and anxiously await the new. The face of began our biggest project to date-the Junior- the college may change, but the spirit and Senior Prom. While still trying to catch up on friendliness will remain among us and in us our studies and sleep from this ordeal, the long after we depart. We face the challenge of Follies hit us, and we abandoned the idea of our senior year. We hope to build like those resting. At Rose Cup, we showed Our talents before us a real contribution to Western Mary- for acting as we paid tribute to our graduating land, to gain insight into other actions and senior women. Time was fleeting, and we foresight into our Own future. wished we could make our third year last longer. First TOW, left to 1'ight: E. Arbaugh, R. Hastings, D. Lowe, P. Stretton, T. Ward, D. Smith, J. Watson, J. McMahan, J. Karrer, R. Moss, R. Johnson. Second TOW: N. Helwig, R. Grabill, E. Synder, G. Luttrell, It Reynolds, P. Welk, B. Willis, M. Eaton, C. Luckemeier, D. Glotfelty, E. Taylor, P. Blair, B. Beall, S. Eastwood, S. Hoff, P. Kurdle. Third TOW: K. Zeller, B. Long, N. Thorn, M. Smith, E. Adamska, R. Richards, C. Westerfield, M. McCormick, B. Cox, G. Traver, B. Bell, J. Roberts, J. Wood, C. Prevost. Fourth. TOW: S. Schomer, V. Scott, J. Long, K. Kalloway, J. Bazzeghin, J. Sapp, E. Upperco, M. Kirby, M. Keeler, N. Bell, J. Long, J. Goldring. Fifth row: R. Phoebus, G. Reynolds, D. Gamber, J. Blair, D. MacLea, J. Everly, S. Margolis, F. Burgee, A. Dworkin, K. Duquet, C. Myers, R. Harris, N. Davis.
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