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sophomore class Our first months on the Hill as Freshmen no play makes Jack a dull boy, we had OUI were confused months, full of uneasiness and moments of fun also. At ti-nes, it seemed that worry about OUf new position as college stu- these brief flings wore definitely in the minor- dents. For many of us it marked the first time ity, but then we were Sophomores and you we had been away from home For an extended know the stories they tell about college Sopho- period. But as the year progressed, and the mores. We handled the customary tradition of friendly, collegiate atmosphere of Western "rat rules" with much enthusiasm, and many Mm-ylund began to mix with om individual "Rats" were caught in our traps, especially the personalities, we became more certain that the feminine variety. future would hold many bright hopes for all Our sophomore representation in athletics in of us. all three seasons was of tremendous impor- Our sophomore year marked the beginning tance to the athletic program of the college, of these hopes
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