Page 93 - YB1958a
P. 93
iunior class With each renewal of our three academic are hesitant before wishing them away so years, there have been many changes; changes quickly. of buildings, landscapes, faces, and courses, This year has been a full rich one, a year The changing landscapes can be tolerated, when we finally reached that undeniable up- even the removal of the trees and benches perclassman's spot, a comfortable year with behind Old Main. The new buildings arc ap- much time behind us and yet still enough preciated and the courses expected, but chang- ahead that we need not grow apprehensive ing faces are more thought upon. We were all over an uncertain future. 'vVe were in a posi- smiles and welcomes with the arrival of the tion to become leaders rather than followers, new, but we were bewildered weepers with the goarers instead of the goats, and those in the departure of the old. And we "take a cup 0' line for next year's jobs. 'vVe enjoyed our ncw kindness ." prestige and the comfort of belonging. This There arc already many memories, times and has been the year when the Hill has most be- people that we'll never see again, but we come a part of LIS, or rather, we a part of haven't yet fully realized this as we stumble Western Maryland. . anxiously and curiously into our final year. With these things in mind we step forward, Many of us are eagerly looking forward to this ready to fill the positions of our predecessors time next year when, our portraits will appear by becoming Seniors and the next to take our in the early pages of this book, and there nre places in the world. To some of us the golden also many of us who treasure these times and year has gone but to others it is just beginning, First row, left to rig/It; D. Dewey, H. Twining, S. Cook, D. Mathias, n. Wilson, K. Payne, S. dcBey, K·_9iddes, 1'. Lunak, H. Overton, Ivl. joeres. Second: row: B. Bullock, J. Wnghelstcin, 1. Leatherwood, L. Mnrtiu, S. Ihompson, D. Deland, C. Armstrong, A. Kinney, J. Lewis, \V. Swartz. Third row; L. Dowler, C. Hammersln. C. Def'loru, 1\'1. 0~~1~,Ifi:'tctll\rsl~~lI~;~,1.nRs~it~;~1~~1,1~'.~~I~~~~~~I~.1R~1~~\1!~:eJ:~~\~~:;~~~,WA.EHi~~t;~l(T's~il~f~tJ~dS;I:~~~[;:~d~ H. Taylor, A. Clemmttt, K. Mitchell. FifOI row; A. Voshell, B. Held, D. Joiner, P. Smyth, B. Bailey, D. Gro~s, S Barnes, T. Neil.
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