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freshman class 'We arrived on the Hill awkward, eager, and sophomores in the tug of war and became anxious to become a part of the campus com- united in our first effort as a class, our Home- munity. During Orientation 'Week we met each coming Heat. All the events of that Homecom- other, our professors, and many upperclassmen ing weekend, climaxed by the big dance, left who proved more than willing to help us in us breathless, but feeling more a part of our every way. college. "Eat Rules" came along and after the initial We elected class officers and began making shock we settled down to our proper places, plans for the rest of the year, which included keeping on the sidewalks and using back doors dues, a freshman class party, and a booth in when wearing our freshmen beanies. But this the WU 5 Bazaar. was not to last indefinitely, for we defeated the Our first college exams made a lasting im-
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