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gamma beta chi With the press box on the football field In sports, the Hed and Blue banner was seen rebuilt and enlarged through our efforts, and flying over the football field as the GBX seniors with our nerves soothed by the gentle caressing witnessed the first victory on the gridiron in a or the waves at Ocean City, the Gamma Bets host of seasons. As football gave way to baskd- returned to campus with their usual zest for hall, it became apparent that GBX was finally social life while begrudgingly granting a little climhing out of its athletic doldrums. time for study in the off-hours. With a sigh of But time has II way of passing and so did the disbelief, we learned that Brother Jim Crowley fraternity year. Thanksgiving slipped by, the had graduated in summer school. Lynn Mayer Phi Alph-Cammn Bet party was held, and we became our newly elected president. presented 11 Christmas program at Springfield Under Lynn's leadership, we entangled sev- and j\."lontrose.The spring thaws came-slowly enteen new members into our snares and before dissolving Our cranial ice as ideas for the May they knew it, they were formally initiated into Dance flowed in an incessant stream. CBX. Mr. Uhrig, too, joined our ranks, suc- Once the Mav Dance was over, it seemed no ceeding Dr. Mnctionald as our faculty adviser. time until we sa-wour senior members parading With our forces thus swollen, enthusiasm for across the stage. "111 the hearts of C;lTllmaBeta OUf annual activities was increased. Chi, they have graduated, but they are not forgotten: "\Vhen we our separate ways do go, and clioscn. lJ(lt1ls 'P"fS'IIC, We'll alw(IYs be united by /he ROYAL RED AND BLUE."
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