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alpha gamma lau The Bachelors of Alph. Gamma Tau have In Intramural sports the Bachelors assumed made their thirty-third year on the campus of an impressive role by winning both the ill.ter- Western Maryland College one of the most fraternity football and basketball champIon- memorable in fraternity history. After a suc- ships. cessful smoker, the club received the following Western Maryland's Christmas social season sophomore pledges; Bob Anderson, Fred Bur- was highlighted by Alpha Gamma Tau's clanc~, gee, Hon Hurrnon, Hob Johnson, Clark Kirk- "A Christmas Sleigh Hide," featuring the mUSIC man, Carson Langford, Steve Margolis, Chuck of Braydcn Heidenour's orchestra and attended Meyers, Ron Sindy, John Wcagty, and Dave by such notable figures as Santa Claus and Williams. Ebenezer Scrooge. A second event was n social Homecoming featured fin open house in the party at Frock's held on the eve of the depar- clubroom which was attended by many return. ture for vacation ing Bachelors. Following the gume, the victory With Craig Phillips as chairman of the Food- was celebrated at the annual Homecoming for-Needy-Families Committee, the tr.,ditiOl1ill Banquet which was held at Frock's. donation was volunteered to the community. 170
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