Page 191 - YB1958a
P. 191
Upon returning to the Hill this year, the Miss Lori Jones emerged as the "Sweetheart Preachers immediately set to work on the busy of Delta Pi Alpha" and was serenaded in true schedule that lay ahead. "Romeo and Juliet" fnshion. As the months The arrival of football season found the passed, the Preachers again proved very active "Purple and Gold" well represented, not only in various athletic events as the varsity lind on the grid-iron, but also on the side lines oper- intramural seasons progressed. ating concessions. This was a profitable busi- During January the installation of new offi- ness that proved quite helpful in filling a de- cers took place at a mouth-watering banquet, pleted treasury. and in March the big highlight was the Sweet- In October, fifteen new members were ini- heart Hlll!. Among all these and other extra- tiated into the fraternity in the ole! tradition to curricular activities some of the brothers actu- fill the vacancies created by the departed ally Found time for real academic studying. brothers of the class of '57. Delta Pi Alpha extends its congratulations to Mr. Hobert Adkins, the able adviser to the the graduating class of 1958. Preachers for several years, was succeeded by an equally able and respected member of the faculty, Mr. Hichnrd Clower. FIHST SEMESTEH OFfi'ICEHS President _____John Gunderson Corresponding Sceretflry __ Manfred joercs Vice-president __ Anthony Sarbanes Scrgc(lIl/,-lIt-AnllS William Spa.ยป Chaplain . .__. .___ John Hort Secret,ary Hichllrd plnsket Treasurer . ..__J.1J1leSHayes Ktnsev comes to collcge- 173
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