Page 158 - YB1957a
P. 158
First row, left 10 right: Coach C. Havens, V. Mukovitch, D, Smith, D. Myer, B J. Bender, L. Fisher, C. Kirkman, \V. Coding, A. \Vagner, E, Dey, H. Asny, B. Second row: J. Hayes, C. Smith, D. Martin, B. Butler, D. Holbruncr, D. M,lrtinelJ, B. A. MilJ~r, D. Hersh, F. Walker, D. Haas. Third row: D. Edington, C. Wellings, C J. Lewis, C. Day, B. Piavis, J. Dewey, C. Becker, C. Miolcn, W. Schwartz. FOOTBALL Western Maryland opened the 1956 season sylvania Military. Final score 19-0 in favor of with a victory over the Red Devils of Dickin- P.M.C. son. Charlie Havens introduced to Western On the road for the second straight week, the Maryland for the first time, the split T forma- Terrors moved south to meet Handolph-Macon. tion. Sophomore quarterback "Jose" Shorreck The team showed a great deal of improvement and senior halfback AI Miller provided the over the previous week and was halted only by margin of victory-as the first half closed with penalties. Western Maryland held a 2-0 lead the score, \V.l\'I.C. 12-Dickinson O. It was an as a result of a safety in the second quarter. inspired Red Devil team which took the field Randolph-Macon squeezed out a victory on a in the second half. Early in the fourth quarter highly disputed touchdown in the last two Sam Rose scored the lone T.D. on a one yard seconds of the ball game. Captain Bob Butler, plunge. The remainder of the game was a Bob Pia vias and Bill Spaar sparked the line defensive battle for the Terrors. Final score- play for the Terrors. Al Miller and Dick Hersh 12-6, in favor of Western Maryland. carried the brunt of the western Maryland The following week the Terrors traveled to ground attack. Chester, Pa. to meet the cadets of P.M.C. The The following week the Terrors stepped out Western Maryland offense lacked the drive of thcir class to play the mighty Bullets of which it had shown previ~llsly and they sue- Gettysburg. On the strength of their superior cumbed to the well-balanced attack of Penn- manpower, G-burg carne out of the game with 154
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