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Left to right: P. Yingling, C. Martin, S. Bell, C. Morlock, T. Tracey, C. Robertson, J. Ebaugh, E. Barber, J. Parks, P. Johnson, H. Ebaugh, E. Black. MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Some few years after the college began, it fifteen years Mr. Edward M. Black has headed was decided that "something" was needed to the department. For ten years preceding that replace bricks in the buildings, save roads from he was associated with the college, helping out floating to the reconstructed South, shovel as carpenter during summer and fall. Cur- snow, and light the oil lamps. rently serving under 'him is his assistant, Pres- The Maintenance Department has been ton Yingling, and a crew of thirty-five. functioning for eighty-eight years stnce--val- The "shop" carries fuses in its pocket, sup- iantly attempting to keep doors in one piece, plies cars for organizational trips, cleans dor- to cover up the ruts worn in the Homecoming mitory halls, and maintains the golf course. hillside by alumni, and to place fire watchmen It is the department behind standing build- in Alumni Hall during all performances there. ings, maids in the library, patched roofs, and Peg Janney's Follies' lyrics would hardly the nightwatchman.. seem to bear on this department. However, one It is with these several thoughts in mind that line accomplishesan adequate summary of the we felt it worthwhile to extend special recogni- group: "Dr. Black keeps things first rate." tion to the group whose sole job is to preserve The "things" have only been hinted at in the the physical condition of Western Maryland sentences above. College. As for the doctoral position: For the past 151
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