Page 153 - YB1956b
P. 153
Left to right; J. Cline. C. Ensor, M. Upperco, M. Weber, A. Clcmrnitt. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL The women's basketball season began this as forwards. Guards were Marie Upperco, Jo year with three weeks of daily practice and, Siehler, Kate Service, and Caryl Ensor. at the completion of this practice, class teams Six intercollegiate games were scheduled by were chosen. Competition was keen and all Manager Joy Nuttall. Two of these were can- games were played with enthusiasm. The final celled. Three of the games played were very results found the Senior "A"team in first place close, with Western Maryland losing to Notre with the Freshman "A" following closely Dame by a score of 34-35, to St. Joseph's, behind. 36-39, and to Towson, 39-53. The team came At the close of the intramural tournament, back to defeat St. Joseph's in their final game the W.A.A. elected the honorary basketball by a score of 36-35. The Junior Varsity won team on the basis of sportsmanship, participa- both of its games. tion, ability, and interest. The 1956 team con- The season was climaxed when Carol Pet- sisted of eight girls representing all four tersen received her National basketball rating. classes. Sharon Albaugh, Mary Ellen Weber, Jean Cline and Mary Ellen Weber received Jean Cline, and Anne Clemmitt were chosen localratings. 149
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