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HOCKEY Hockey highlighted the early days of the The honorary hockey team, chosen by the girls' sports program this year-challenging W.A.A.board, was as follows: Left wing, Anna freshmen to competition, and creating overall Jarrell; left inner, Joy Nuttall; center forward, interest in the championship, which was cap- Mary Jane Davison; right inner, Ardie Camp- tured by the Sophomore A team. bell; right wing, Joani Hutter; left halfback, In Intercollegiate matches, the Terrors, cap- Billie-Mae Gill; center halfback, Mary Tom- tained by Mary Jane Davison, were victorious linson; right halfback, Jean Luckabaugh, left over Towson State Teachers' College and fullback, Carol Pettersen; right fullback, Mary Mount St. Agnes. Two other games were Ellen Weber; goalie, Jo Siehler. rained out. High scorers for the season were Alternates were Barbara Boggs, Jean Cline, Mary Jane Davison and Ardte Campbell. Mary Angell, and Sue Davidson.' Fir.~truw, left 10 rigilt:}. Nuttall, i\f. Tomlinson, A. Campbell, M. Davison, C. Pettersen, B. Gill, J. Stchlee. Second row: ]. Hulter,}. Cline,]. Luckabnugh, M. Ange~l. 148
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