Page 130 - YB1956b
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First row: B. Crompton, M. Hodsdon, J. Harrington, Dr. H. Sturdivant, J. Morton, Prof. Hendrickson, K. Holt, M. r..IcDonald, L. Skinner. Second rou» P. Johnson, J. Goode, S. Davidson, E. Vonderheide, C. Ensor, Dr. J. Kerschner, M. Hun. Third row: B. Sheubrooks, K. Schade, M. Pitts, S. Prke, J. Reck, M. Weber, M. Hotchki~s, A. Jarrell. Fo",t!' row: N. Rausch, L. McWilliams, H. Shores, D. Yeoman, M. Scheuer. BETA BETA BETA Beta Beta Beta is a national honor society for students interested in the biological sciences. The Alpha Mu Chapter at Western Maryland was chartered in 1934 under Dr. L. M. Bertholf. It holds the honor of being the second most active chapter in the North- east. Among the activities for the year 1955-1956 Officers for the year were: Jack Morton, were included completion of the springhouse president; Marilee Hodsdon, vice-president; renovation, the sponsorship of a movie, a trip Kathleen Holt, secretary; Janet Reck, histor- to Washington, and the gaining of further ian; Dr. H. P. Sturdivant, treasurer and knowledge through numerous guest speakers. adviser. 126
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