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FIRST SEMESTEB. OFFICEB.S President __ _ Jan Chase _________________________-------JoSiehler Vice-President _______________________joani Hutter Secretary Treasurer _ _.__Marie Upperco Chaplain __ _ ._______________ _Janet Reck Sergeant-at-onus _ Sponsor _ With second semester came the installation freshman girls at our rush tea and the "hobo" of the new officers and the accepting of new party held in the spring. pledges at the banquet at Frock's. Basketball The senior banquet in May closed another and the bridge tournament provided us with unforgettable year in the memories of the "sis- intersorority competition. We got to know the ters of Phi Alpha Mu." First row: J. Durno, B. Nicklas, P. Dixon, H. Stevens, M. Eccleston. SecoH(l rOU}; M, Upperco, J, Siehlcr, J. Chase, J. Hutter, J. Heck. 105
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