Page 66 - YB1955a
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MARY EMMA WHITFIELD Wcstminster, Maryland Psychology Choir 1, 2, 8, 4; French. Club 1, 2; Phi Alpha Ml£ 2,3,4, Alumni Secretary 3, Vice-President 4, President 4; l ntersorcritv Vice-Presi- dentq ; Octet 2. "Mimi" . Local gal and day hop ... Psych major Menagerie of animals with a special preference for "Tom" cat, .. Can't wait 'IiI June. Ambitious plans to live in Frederick anlong all those "Yankees" .. "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" . :Manages Lo be late for 8;00 classes. CHRISTINA LOUISE WINDISH Cumberland, Maryland English, Education Sigma Sigma Tau. 2, 3, 4. "Chrissie" ... "When the Beach Haven breezes blow" .. "Pinochle -anyone?" .. Junior follies answer to Marilyn Monroe ... Natural crowning glory ... Serves moldy bread at midnight . Lower the orange bag .. She's gone fro 111 our Bailer's education? ... Is still trying to understand James Joyce, .. Ask her about "Tamar", BAHHY ALAN WINKELMAN' Baltimore, Maryland English Alpha Camma Ten. 2, 3, 4, Chap/aill. 3; ALOHA Slall 4; Lacrosse J, 2, 3, 4. "\,\!ink". . Easygoing Makosky major, .. Transplanted Southern gentleman ... Thin man-you can't see him when Ire's sideways in the goal : .. Bourbon and Dixieland ... A [teruoon hobby: Garden- ing .. '-Where's Sam?" . Life in Lhe Bat Chamber .. "I didn't knoll' we had a Military test today" ... Seminar in 12th Cellturr Siamese drama ... Godfather to the Mann's small one.
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