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AUDREY JOANN WAF'F'ENSMITH Hagerstown, Maryland English, Education Iota. Gamma'Chi 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Glee Club 3; Junior Foffies 3; S.C.A. 3, 4; F.T.A. 4. Treasurer 4; IPcsleyall.cues 3, 4. "jo" ... The last of the .oj" trio from Blanche Ward . Jets back to Hagerstown in brown Ford nearly every weekend .. Will teach at least a year or two ... Ambition is to travel through Europe Hosiery salesman ill B.W. Junior transfer from Hagerstown Junior College .. One of those English majors. ALFRED HENRY WAHLERS Bloomfield, New Jersey Psychology Delta Pi Alpha. 2, 3, 4, Correspondillg Secretary 3, Recordillg Sec. retary 3; S.C.A. 3, Cabinet 4; Sunday Fellowshl:p 3, President 4; ALOHA Staff 4. AI or "High pockets" as he is known among his campus cohorts. Swears he doesn't have a"Jersey" accent . A fast man with a tray in the dining hall .. Loyal Preacher. . Advocates "Common courtesy nights". . "Cripes Wally!" ... Chased ALOHA photog- rapher around campus. JOAN ELIZABETH WALTER Arlington, Virginia Sociology lola Gamma Chi 2,3, .t, Secretary 3; IP.A.A.; hurouuual: Bas/WI,ball 1,2,3,4; GOLD BUG 1; S.C.A . ./, 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies 3. Called "Bedbug" upon occasion ... One of the original "McKinstry. ites" ... "1 can't stand it" ... An Earp protege Always going on diets-tomorrow Constant Grille frequenter Saves anything and everything One of the McDaniel live-wires ... Authority 011 week end events in Ocean City.
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