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BERTIN WALKER SP[{INGSTEAD Ridgewood, New Jersey Economics Alpha Camma Tall, Pre.liriell/, 4, Treasurer 3; /lIlerjralcmity 4, President. 4; Baseball Ma/Jager 2, 3; Dorm: Cou/Jcil 4; Aclivilic.~ Commiuee 4; Camera Club 1, 2, Treasurer 2. "Springheacl" ... Last of the old-time Bachelors .. One of those Jersey Guys . I~OTC Major ... Rooms at The Gardens with Randel's Iather Guiding light of Interfraternity Council . Pat Shelor's son ... Confirmed slag at. all festive occasions. Three- letter frat athlete ... Sprouted out with a new Dodge after two terms as club treasurer. CAROL FERNE STOCKARD Union, New Jersey Sociology lola Gamma Chi 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2; Baskelball. 2; College Players 2,3,4; S.C.A. 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2. "Sunny" ... A Yankee Irom up New Jersey way ... Member of the Onion Hall Crew .. "Gotta learn to play Bridge". . "Has any- one seen my wallet, my jacket, or my notebook?" . "Oh shoot" ... Never knows what round it is. MABY SHIHLEY STUART Beltsville, Maryland Psychology Sigma. Sigma To« 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Inlramural Hockey 1, 2, 3,4; Basketbal!.1. 2, 3; SO/Iball. 1; Freshman. Advisor~· Council 3; Radio Clwraliers 3; flame Ee. Club 4; junior Follies 3. "Squeaky" .. "Haste makes waste" ... Never studies without water cup within reach ... Four years in college and hasn't knit a stitch . Has taken up study or piano and uke ... Determined to construct an ice·skatillg rink 011 Hoffa Field .. Competes with "Moxie" ill being lust into dining hall.
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