Page 131 - YB1955a
P. 131
The first Senior Unit of the Reserve Officers The course of study is prescribed by the De. Training Corps was established in 1919 at West. partment of the Army. The full course in Mill- ern Maryland College. Since then, Western Mary. turv Science takes four years, the first two of land has trained young men to take their places which are required for graduation. Students who as officers in the U. S. Army in times of national desire 10 lake the last two years' advanced courses emergency. The Professor of Military Science are selected by the P. M. S. & T. When this and Tactics is Lt. Colonel Robert 1. Speaks. He course is completed, the graduate is eligible to is assisted by his stuff including Major Edgar S. receive a reserve commission as a Second Lieu. Daugh; Captain Leslie D. Carter, Jr.; Master tenant in the Infantry. Sergeants Joseph M. Brouillard and James V. Those students designated as Distinguished Murray; Sergeants First Class Archie C. Allgire Military Students may apply for a commission in and Francis Lang. the Regular Army. This year Edward Smith ap. Buualion Btufl Firsl row: L. Mana-in, Sponsor: M. Justice. Second row; S. Mann, E. Smith, E. Cline, C. Tu!!. 129
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