Page 106 - YB1954
P. 106
1st row: B. Plasket, H. Cooley, B. Summers. 2nd row: P. Herman, A. Hayward. 3rd row: D. Haut, L. Cermak, B. Reiber, B. Riggleman, B. Vitek. 4th row: R. Brenneman, C. Wheatley, K. Smith, B. Price. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIAtiON Executives of the Student Government Associa- Students were made aware of the work of the tion for 1953-54 were: president, Arnold Hay- Cabinet by the minutes of meetings posted on ward; vice-president, Patricia Herman; secre- the main bulletin board, a column in the Gold tary, Harriett Cooley, and treasurer, Robert Bug, and general assemblies. Dennie. Homecoming found the S.G.A. hard at work During Orientation Week, the S.G.A. worked behind the scenes, making this show-day bigger with the Freshman Advisory Council and the Stu- and better than ever. dent Christian Association to introduce the Class of '57 to the college. The W.M.C. desk blotters In December the Rec Room was decorated and and freshman handbooks were distributed at this a Christmas tree set up in front of Old Main. time. During second semester many projects were undertaken, among them an evaluation of the The formation of the Freshman Advisory Corn- mittee to help freshmen with the orientation present chapel arrangement and the restoration and S.G.A. of Carpe Diem. May Day arrived, activities and with their first semester's work, again readied the campus for the reigning queen the organization of the Booster Committee to promote school spirit, and the reorganization of and her court, and for the many guests. the Student-Faculty Committee to cement rela- The S.G.A. Cabinet feels that it has done tions between students and administration were much for the college and its students by spot- all Sudent Government projects. lighting the "students" in Student Government. 104
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