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PAUL SWEETING DAWSON S.C.A. 1,2,3,4; College Players 3, 4; Men's Glee Cln/) 4; /Pes/eyans 3,4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Pi Alpha Alpha 2. 3, 4. Creative Modernist "Have a life-saver" Artisan of the absunct Originfltor and creator extraordiuare of frat decorations and displays Avocation: personality analysis.. Disciple of Hindemith Student philosopher. "Could you take n minute?" . Next step-Methodist Seminary Avid interest in dramatics. BARBARA VIRGINIA DEANE Hockey I; Volleyballl; !Jasketballl, 2, 3, 4; Btuiuiintou l; Soil.balf I; IP.A.A.; HOllie EconOlllics Cillb 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. "Barb" . Proud Yankee from Jersey .. "Bright Eyes" Home Economics major with u knack for sewing . Loyal Dodger fan. Never thought she would read that many novels .. Quiet, reserved Took two semesters to complete stay at the "Home" Willing La piny bridge most any lime . McDaniel supporter fo! four years. ELWOOD JOSEPH DEE:RING 3); Basket.ball I; immnucral: Mal/I/ger 3, 4; French. Club Pint size South jerseyite . Continually tinkering with his '40 Ford convertible Asset to Alpha Gamma Tau's athletic teams . Likes milk at parties, bUL that isn't what makes him happy .. Biology Inaja!" .. [jm Boyer's best foul ball chaser . Verv conversant sleeper who always misses breakfast. '
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