Page 29 - YB1953
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G[OI~GE F. DAVIGLUS Della Pi, Alpha: Beta fJcta Beta ; So{xcr 1,2, J; Wrestling 2, 3; French. Club. George South America's influence 011 \VMC Usually found ill Biology lab .. Studies to wee hours of the morning ... Speaks with genuine Spanish accent. "How va doiu' Keed?" Meg- netic personality Enthusiastic Preacher His ambition is to become a i\,I.D. . The loose "nut" behind the wheel of his '48 "Chevy" .. A sure bet for making the grade. LISABETH ANN DAVIS Sigma Sigma Tau. 2, 3, 4, [Treeeurer 1); Home Ecouoniics C!nb 2, 3, 4, (President 4)," Ba.lketball i, 2," Glee Club 3. "Dixie" .. Life of every party Loves square dancing COil' stantly looking for "Turtles" in the Home Economics department Official dressmaker for Blanche Ward .. An ardent advocate of the "Why Study" philosophy Spends summers in the bnd lands of Ocean City ... Plans a Irip to Europe, but not with funds from Sigma treasury. BARBARA JUNE DAVISON n: MI! 2, 3, 4, Glee Club 2, 8; [nniar W.A.A. Boccdt, Hockey 1,2,3, 4; BaskethollL, 2, 3; Volleyball 2, 3; Soft.bafl1, 2, Clas.1 Secre- /.Ory 1, 2, 3, 4; Frellch. Club 1; Callierbury Clld) 1, 2, 4, (Secre- Wry 4)," ALOIIA 4; Trlllnpeter. "Bobbie" .. Has Own "Art" appreciation . World's only three fingered uke player. In seventh heaven on hockey field . "HoI\' does my room always get so messy?" ... Miss Todd's right hand girl "It isn't thai I eat much, il's j ust thm I talk more". M.M. and P.D. Clubs Energetic .. I-lard worker in nil she does. 28
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