Page 25 - YB1953
P. 25
BUTH ELOISE CAHLANDCR 1; W.A.A. J; Badminum I; ArlS Symposium. 1,2; S.C.A 1,2, 4, (Cabillet); Sundov School 1,2,3,4; M.S.M. 7,2,8,4, [Treasurer } ; T,.i.·!Jela 4; IP"eslcyallcl/.cs I, 2, 3, 4, (Worship Chairman). "Ruthie". The gal behind the scenes Biology major. Grilled cheese sandwiches a speciality ... Generous . "Where's your school spirit?" ... Night-owl. Organized winning campaign for SCA f.lrexy. . Always thinking of someone Electrician of the 2nd floor wing. . Connoisseur of greeting cards . Only Lutheran officer of the MSM. CLAHK DAVID CALLENDER Pi Alpha. Alpha. 2, 3,4 (Secretary 4); Choir 3, 4; iHell's Glee Club 3,4; Alpha Kappa Alpha 4; Argonauts 3, 4; Waiter 3, 4. Pre-night with dipped wings Basso Profunda . de Long's delight . First quarter wit ... "I'm standing Pat" .. Leans LEEward Low man 011 Black and White quartette Connois- seur of Lp's . Physics to philosophy via anthropology "So what else ls new?" .. Dining hall demon . "That, too, has possibilities." WALTER HAI{OLD CAI\'IPBELL Soccer 2, J, (Capwill 4); Lacrosse 2, 3; Class Treasurer 3, 4; P(~rsh" iog Rifles 3, 4; Death Valley Gallg; GlIInm.(1Bela Chi. 2, 3, 4. "Soup" . Hails from Eastern Sho". . Sobering influence on the 4th deck, 3rd section .. "Airborne Alligator" .. "How'd I Score thal goal?" ... Red jeepster "Cona Nuclear Physics test tomorrow . "Just cleaned Ill)' smoke pipe" . Future teacher· coach .. Ardent Gamma Bet excoceuoltc. 24
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