Page 80 - YB1952
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Basketball and Boyer and Fergy together, Talk of 2,3 children and Dr. Earp, "Oh, fiddlesticks," Miss Parker in a black sweater Then here's Huber, our Other Sash man, "Now if you girls don't feel well, A dog and new baby keep him well in hand I don't want yOLl [Q play," About her famous seventh grade, Mrs, James is oh, "Game tomorrow night on it, so keen; We hear Charlie say. Dr. Russell says only, "Let's push on to rbe can- If you want dreams analyzed, don't avoid teen!" Crain's course on Sigmund Freud First and foremost, our Southern son, Doc Holthaus is our logical man Whose tests never include anything before page Who works syllogisms fast as he can '"' This man's nor a bushel, but a Peck; Then Striding Townsend, who simply dotes Elderdice does magic tricks with a deck On having srudenrs "rake copious notes." Schofield talks like a house afire; Sailor Thornton with his cigar big; Straughn wears socks that flame even higher And Ahrnsbrak in his Western rig, While Dr. Summers constantly sings, Statistically speaking, "his hat tOps the rest; "Did anyone hear? Was that two rings?" Our lasr one "does ones 'umble best!" Let's starr this "outfit" with a cheerful chirp-- MUSIC PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION Seatet/: Miss A, Heggcrneier. Miss M. Gesner, Lell 10 right: Dr. R, Holthaus, Prof, C Crain Prof. O. Spangler, Prof. A, de Long, Prof Mrs. ]. KordaJewski, Miss G, Murray PHYSICAL EDUCATION PHYSICAL SCIENCES
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