Page 78 - YB1952
P. 78
A POCKETFUL OF PROFS Macljonald's lectures are really near, Rules the mighty Bailer But his darkened classroom lulls us to sleep "Hand in your cahds," is Miss Smith is sure we'll have a play, Yankee from the Norrb say. But she's not sure what, till it's under way, "Buenos dias," is the way you'll be greeted by Says Shipley, "1 do like that tree. Doc I There's only one thing that bothers me." "Please pay those dues," is Doc Benny's only cry While Bailey has the magic twirl And if you've heard our Southern scientist sing, For scenery that's "simply out of this world!" "Good-bye, gill slits" will have a familiar ring! "Where did r file that paper?" Hendren sings us ballads gay; "What's wrong with this machine?" Howery shoos our boys away. These sad laments are uttered Marshall's like to tread a stage; Wherever Smith is seen For Wenner, Shakespeare's all the rage. While over our young teachers "Either the Bible or Shakespeare," ART AND DRAMATIC ART BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY Lejr ro right: Miss L Shipley, Dr. W. MacDonald, Mr. Left fa right: Dr, H, Sturdivant, Dr. I. lsanogle, Miss A. D. Bailey, Mrs. E. Marshall, Miss E. Smith. O'Rourke, Prof. C. Benninghot ENGtlSH Lefl 10 rif!.hl: Dr. HenJr~n, Prof. Hendrickson, Dr EDUCAT!ON Makosky, Dr Wenner, Dr. lo.brshall, Dean Howery, Left 10 right: Prof. DeCorsey, Prof. Bailer, Dr. Smith. Dr. Wills
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