Page 79 - YB1952
P. 79
HOME ECONOMICS LANGUAGES Left to right: Miss H. Gray, Miss D. Smith. i\lrs C Sell!~d Prof. Wilr.!n. Dr, Riddington. Slanding: Prof. Schofield. Sayan. Prof. Snader. Not piclllred: Dr. Hildebran MILITARY SCIENCE MATHE1\fAT1CS AND ASTRONOMY Capt. Thompson. Sgt. P. LaVoy. SgL Quarles, Left to rif;ht: Dr. C Spicer, Dean F. Free Brouillard, Sgt. Armstrong, Col. Redfield. That's what we from Hendrickson hear. While a German teaches in the Spanish wny. Daily Makosky brings his lunches Then come "Moxie", JUSt a little late; And chats of Ulysses while he munches. And here's our newest prof to date, In this department, we have JUSt three- In a sport coat that's really bright, First, Mrs. 5., our queen of cookery, Monsieur Snvan (pronounce it right.) Now, lady Jane, with a farm not far away, First, let's start in a "baby" way And Nova Scotia's pride, who's meeting us "next With Royer, who makes our orchestra play. day." Then Heggie and her old tin "Lizzie," "We're going (0 have a little game roday,' Her clicking camera keeps her busy. This Southern gentleman's known to say OUf baseball fan, of "Pennurs" fame, Mrs. Marshall several fields combines Mrs. Kordalweski is her name In teaching students how to draw those lines. Spang for accompaniment has a terrific knack; While the "pop of our family" is quite Free Delong leads the choir in a "percussive attack." In talking of the stars that we should see. Smith's thoughts are of Georgia and Navy and Oh, my! how the tongues do fly! Glee; Latin puns go whizzing by! Miss Gesner says, "Won't you please lock up for Here our Swiss reacher parle francais, me?" 7S
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