Page 25 - YB1951
P. 25
"Dear Gussie! Dr. 'I.,' those cultures still won't noon, Miss Shipley." "Miss Todd is taking me grow." "I know, Miss O'Rourke, I looked at to Balritncre this Friday, Miss Parker, when she them before leaving for the field trip. Did Dr. goes Lo pick up SOme travel folders. Won't you Sturdivant tell you about Mr. Benny's troubles come along?" "Oh, fiddlesticks, Miss Shipley, I with the freshmen yesterday?" can't make it this Friday; I'm going to New "Now, honey, you can put that pleat any place York." you want it, but I think it_ought to be here; don't "How's your dog, Dr. Huber? T see you have you agree Miss Smith?" "Yes, Miss Gray, I on your blue suit; are you giving a test today?" always say a place for everything and everything "Yes, I am, Miss Simpkins. By the way, what's in its place. Won't yen try some of this ginger. this I hear about the roof blowing off Smith bread I just made?" Hall? Oh, 1 see Dr. Earp's red plaid hat; "I'm very tired tonight after 'pooehing' that excuse me, please." hockey puck up and down the field this after- Well, as Dr. Russell says, "Let's push on." MUSIC PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION Seared, 1\Iiss A. HcO\genl~icr. Miss 1\1. Lesner. Lejl /0 righl: Dr. R. H()lIhuu~. Pmf. C. Cruin. Prof. O. Spangler, Pro!' A. a« Long, Prof. Mrs. J. Kordulewski, i\liSl! G. Murray. PIWSICAL EDUCATION PHYSICAL SCIENCES
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