Page 23 - YB1951
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FACULTY in a small school such as Western Maryland, she will probably know that speech all public students and faculty members have a better courtship as well as Mrs. ,lames does her cases chance to become acquainted. They come to in past psych classes. know and expect certain idiosyncrasies, they Over in the history department Dr. Whitfield mimic each other, and often share jokes and is holding forth on the Methodists and Miss Dis- nicknames of mutual enjoyment. Since the asso- brow is worrying about her duties as a house ciation is so close, each senior feels that a cer- mother in the old infirmary. "Now, now Capt. tain part of the faculty graduates along with him: Thornton, you just con-e out and watch OUt "Now when you get to be my age," according tennis team." "I will, Mr. Hurt, after I write to to Mrs. Veale, "you'll he able to keep up with my son in France." "Oh, Mr. Thornton," inter- Mr. Schofield's rapid conversation." Bur will rupts Miss Snader, pattillg her hair, "isn't he Dean Free still be scolded by Dean Howery for just thrilled with Paris?" letting his men lead her girls astray? At least "DOll', you see, Mr. Hendrickson, this desk is ART AND DRAMATIC ART BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY Lejl. 10 righl.: Miss L. Shipley, Dr. W. MacDonald. Mr. Left /0 rig"l: Dr. H. Slllrd;"ant, Dr. L Isallo:,;lc, 111iss A. D. nailey, !'Ilrs. E. IIlarshull, Miss E. Smith O·Hollrke. Prof. C. Bennin:,;hof. ENGLISH '-cft lu rigill: Dr. H. G. Howery, Dr. J, HGtldr~n, Prof. EDUCATION D. I-kllrll'i~kwn, 01 J. D. ~lakosky, Dr. G. S. Wills. Lejt to righl: Prof.L Bailer, Dr. S.Sl11ilh, 111iss L. Shaffer. Dr. T. F. Marshall.
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