Page 21 - YB1951
P. 21
The Ensor Family TO THE CLASS OF 1951: Greetings! We entered Western Maryland together as Fellow freshmen four years ago. At that time, T suppose, there was very lillie difference between us in the relative shades of greenness. We were all brand new in college. These years have passed rapidly; and if YOLi have learned as much as your President, you will be the most enlight- ened class Western Maryland has ever graduated. In a sense, I dislike being left behind, but I shall always have an especially warm spot in my heart for the Class of '51- I feel that I am aile of YOLI. As you go out into the uncertainties of OLLI" present world, may God's blessing and guidance go with you. As a representative of your Alma Maler, may she ever have reason to be proud of YOLi. LOWELL S. ENSOR, President. 17
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