Page 160 - YB1951
P. 160
PAUL PETER TERESHINSKI PATRICIA ANNE TOBEY Foo/bulll, 2, .~,4; baseball I, 2, 3, 4; Gnmmn Belli Chi. ALONA 4; Arls Symposium 2, 3, ,I "Terry" .. hails hom Glen Lyon, Pennsylvania. "Tobey" ... zzzzzzzxz ... size 9, and a "long hair" former student at Ge()J'gia Military College ... fall who likes "Vagabond Shoes" . Iut.ure resident of weekends spent in \Vashington watching brother Greenwich Village ... beware of the cat, it. might Joe playing for the Washington Rcdskins be the soul of Pluto . bridge and "kniuing-wh" quarterback on football team and a crack third "Have you sumerhing to do today? Do it baseman ... even tempered, good-nutur ed fellow tomorrow" (Poor Richard) "Guess what?" with a yen for his mother's home cooking . very conslderute and generous to his friends, especially with his Polish "klelbuae" .. "\Vanna bet?" ELIZABETH DUCKETT THOMAS :MTLES DALE TOWNSEND SCA 3; Wesleyaneues CiI,,/, 2, treasurer 3, 4; Bel" Bellt Alflh". "Tomi" ... enthusiastic soc major with an eye Dale .. familiar smile and thatch of red hair on graduate school. vibrant sense of humor ... hiology major with a genuine love for hugs. dancing green eyes .. transferred from St. Mary's connoisseur of good hooks . quiet hut amiable Seminu ry and Jr. College .. "You Can't Be 'I'ruo, personality .. nightly visits to Baugher's just for Dear" ... introduced guppies to WMC ... con- the view ... puts all into the hnsiuess at. hand tagious laugh .. ministcr-hunting for several rea- . loyal Black and White . "Let's play ping sons "dcfinatef y spells(!) . perhaps wrong" pong." a ready ear for troubles. PEGGY ANN TI.Ml\IONS FTA 2. 3. 4; Home Economics Clllb 1,2,3,4; Sigma GEORGE TSOUPHAKE Sigmll 1'111/.. EC01UJmics Clu/,; football 1,2,3,4; tennis 3, 4; emllm'l Peg diamond on the finger .. interested Bela Chi. in homemaking and ... always "happy. Invaluable center on rho football team ... been go-lucky" .. frequent of letters to "Smiu.y," knO"'11 to playa little hridge ... "You can't pass her Army lieutenant seen on-the-run on a two hid" .. now married and living in Vet- conscientious Sigma... on the food com- ville with his .10 Anne. a loyal Gamma Beta mittee" ... blonde home economics major from with decided ideas un most subjects. one of the Eastern Shore. best dancers on the Hil!.. 156
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