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ANNE BEAVEN Hillsboro, Md. loll/ GammlJ Clii; F. T. il. III, IV Loves uiar Eastern Shore transfer [rom Salisbury Stale Teachers College who is finally convinced that WestCrn Shore is okay .. always keeps her hands at work while she chats . hates La be called a redhead .. always willing \0 listen 10 troubles another future teacher. J\-1ARGARET BEYER 3606 Elm Avenue Baltimore 11, Md. Often Leased about her dimples . amazing mathematical ability enables her to keep trac~ of money for thrce campus organiza- tions ... thinks acquinng an education a serious thing. comes out with the most unexpected remarks . always helping someone with a math problem or French sentence .. her giggle enlivens any pany. VIRGINIA .J. BLAKE Iii Glenn Road Ardmore, Pa. SigillI! Sigl/Ja Ta" (ViceĀ·/nesirlenl IV); IlIlerwr(uily COllncif IV "Ginny" . tall, blonde, and laughing. with Avalon sand in her eyes. . tutor LO would-be knitters in McDaniel. ambition in life should be LO wr-ite a book on "argyles for beginners" . familiar grille figure. future social worker. "Did we have a case st.ud}' for today>" generous owner of grey coupe-"H1e can go m my car. 28
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