Page 142 - YB1949
P. 142
Vi Alpha Alpha FIRST SEMESTER social variety added to the Black and White's President FLETCHER WARD long list. The first meeting was a merry affair, Vice-Presiden t ROGER SIMPKINS much in the style of "eating out," with George Secretary ROBERT KEYS Davis threatening to sing any song popular Treasurer JOE CULOTTA since 1920. Corresponding Secretary The next outstanding event was the Christ- SHERMER GARRISON mas Dance, with decorations and orchestra Sgt -at-Arms BRYON CI-IEN setting a new high pace. The money realized from that success put the capitalist mark on SECONDSEMESTER us, and now we go to the club room to see President ROGER SIMPKINS television, and to fill the Coke machine with Vice-President GEORGE COULTER nickels. The banquet held at Clear Ridge Secretary CLIFF PFAFF again this year satisfied all steak lovers, espe- Treasurer JOE CULOTTA cially when we had to pass our bowls to the Corresponding Secretary JOHN PARKER end of the table. Sgt.-at-Arms GEORGE DAVIS It is with pride that we announce that the Interfraternity Council's Scholarship cup was retired to the permanent possession of the In its twenty-seventh season, the Pi Alpha Black and Whites. Alpha Fraternity has had numerous honors, This year's twenty-one graduates in June mostly in the scholastic line. The year of have left a memorable year for the eighteen 1948-1949 finds several new honors of the survivors to live up to. First Row: D. Pinholster, C. Pfaff, J. Culotta, R. Keys, W. Carroll; Second Row: J. Parker, W. Simpson, F. Ward, S. Garrison. 138
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