Page 140 - YB1949
P. 140
~amma Beta (9hi FIRST SEMESTER were soon peddling "hot dogs" at all the home President RALPH SMITH football games. At Christmas we gave a party in honor of Vice-President ED ELLIOT the Phi Alphs, and we also provided a C0111- Secretary STANLEY HAMILTON, JR. plete Christmas for a needy family in the near Treasurer JAY BREWINGTON vicinity. Chaplain MARSHALL ENGLE In February we presented the Sweetheart Sgt -a t-Arms BROR HAMMARGREN Dance, keeping everybody guessing right up to the zero hour as to whom we would name SECOND SEMESTER as our sweetheart. President JAY BREWINGTON When the second semester began, four Vice President PETER CALLAS brothers left our ranks. Graduation finds us Secretary JOHN NOBLE with seventeen members less. We will miss Treasurer SAM KNEPP "Smithy's" dead pan face and ruling authority, Chaplain ROBERT WILMER coupled with Brewington's puns and sly wit. Sgt.-at-Arms RALPH SMITH We want to acknowledge wholeheartedly our indebtedness to Dr. Straughn for his patient guidance and faithful attendance The Gamma Bets began their year by ac- throughout the year. cepting twenty-seven new members in the Thus has ended another year in the history fall. The fraternity then began rolling under of our fraternity in which our bonds of friend- the leadership of Ralph Smith, and members ship have steadily grown greater and stronger. Seated: S. Knepp, M. Engle, S. Hamilton, J. Noble; Standing: R. Rogers, M. Mettee, J. Brewington, R. Smith, R. Wilmer. 136
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