Page 138 - YB1949
P. 138
CDelta Vi Alpha FIRST SEMESTER formal group to the present enro11ment of President FRANK STEPHENSON sixty-six members. Vice- Presiden t ROBERT MARTIN At the present time the sponsor of the club Secretary ROBERT GROUND is Dr. Thomas F. Marsha11, Professor of Eng- Treasurer ALVIN PAUL lish here at the co11ege. Chaplain SIMON TULLAI The Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity (which, in- Sgt -at-Arms JOHN GRUBER cidenta11y, means "Justice Sha11Triumph Over Injustice") functions as an athletic and social SECOND SEMESTER organization. This year we acquired a tele- President ROBERT MARTIN vision set and thirteen new members. We also Vice- Presic1en t SIMON TULLAI sponsored the Homecoming Dance, and fin- Secretary REX MISHLER ished undefeated in the touch-football season. Treasurer HENRY CORRADO During the war when the male population Chaplain JOE GIANNELLI of the campus was depleted the Delta Pi Alpha Frat closed its doors, but in these few short years since co11egehas resumed its nor- Back in 1925 a group of Theological stu- mal course, the "Preachers" have shown greater dents created an organization whose members progress than ever before in their twenty-four were nicknamed "Preachers." This name has years of existence. This rapid progression stuck for twenty-four years. During these two makes the future look brighter than ever for decades the fraternity has grown from an in- this brotherhood. First Row: H. Corrado, J. Giannelli, L. Zawacki; Second Row: VV_ Mishler, R. Martin, F. Stephenson, J. Cround. 134
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