Page 98 - YB1948_Classical
P. 98
I{UTH CH[{ISTINE IWYJ<:H VIRGINIA LOUISE [{OSS 3 Ridge Road St. Paul Apartments, #41 Westminster, Murylund MounL Royal Avenue Baltimore 2, Maryland French cua. I, 2, 3; Nome Economics Inl,ersororil,y COI/n.eil 3, -l ; Closs Treasurer I, Hisiorian. +: IRe I; Girls' GLee Club J; ct.a. ·1 Z; ~ollege Orchestra I, 2; French Club J, Z, .), President, -J; A rgonauts 3, 4; College Players 3, -I; Who's Who 4; Delta. Sigma Kappa., Alunuu Secret,arr 2, Vice President 3, President .f- "Chris" ,. "Kicki". an abundance of "Ginny" usuully, hut a leugthy list of nick- talent tempered with a lillie fire and a 101 11clmes. . noted for her travel experience of fun. , . English major "stand-by 0[" (courtesy U. S. Army). . Midwestern the dnnllntic art depuruncnt , , . a quick Htl!tude, Southern hospitality .. dreams of change ["rom 8·beal rhythm to counterpoint gOIng back 1.0 Dallas ... provides a soft is a daily occurrence-Bach or "Wood- :;h?ulder and all understanding car for her chopper's Ball" is equally familiar .. , Friends .. sweet, generous, tolerant .. [n-illiant mind with uu idealistic bent , often found in philosophic discussions .. a sincere apprecialiol1 of the finer things takes psych ... seminar Oil testing chilJren butmighty . .always misplacing things . fond of small musrc . sinks 1I1LO impregnable trances warmhearted.
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