Page 102 - YB1948_Classical
P. 102
ALlCE MILDRED SHIPLEY LUTHER FRAN KLLN SIES R.F.D. #2 Route 6 Westminster, Maryland Westminster, Maryland Argonauts 3, 4; Glee Clnb.1; IRC J; Stu.- GolrlBu.g sports 'writer 2; ALoha 2 dent Government, 4; l ota Canuno Chi, Sec- reiar-y 1/ Fondly referred to as "Milly" .. _known Returned veteran ... day hop ... has Eng- for her naturally curly blue-black hair and lish major with history and sociology minnr sweet calm disposition .. always hurrying ... jack of all sports ... has great interest here and there Dean's Lister _. _disciple ill basketball, football, baseball and bowl- of Robb and Whitfield and a prospective ing . desires a career ill newspaper writ- history teacher. day student representa- ing . hopes someday to replace j ohn tive to W.S,G. who has brought about Day Kieran on staff of the New York Tillie:; . Room reforms for which al] are grateful quiet, serious and hard-working .. _ hur- . sincere and helpful ... quiet', but gels ries horne after classes to take care of Farm things done ... Westminster farm girl. chores. _ headed for the big city after graduation. 99
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