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P. 96
MILLATID LEE lliCE FERN ANNETTE RAY 2610 Northampton Street, N. W. 1537 Marshall Street Washington 15, D, C. Baltimore 30, Maryland Argonauts if Cold Eng 1, Copy Editor and News Editor 2, ManQ,gh~g Editor 3 Editor-in-Chief 4; Aloha StaU 3, 4; Girls' Glee Club J, 2, 3, 4; Sunday School Choir 4; Who's Who 4; A rgoruuus 3, 4 "Lee" ... strictly H math major, thinks Small and sweet. capable Cold Bng other subjects are a Wilsie of time .. hopes editor ... perfectionist . loves concerts, to leach college math ... quiet ... great operas and ballets. . always ready to hear sense of humor ... brown wavy hair .. a record ... "I'm going mad!" ... knows likes tennis.. main interest is his wife her English A to Z. . "I seem quiet, but who was acquired last spring ... three years l'm really not " ... loves La eat ... fiend in the navy, electronics technician ... at- 1'01' studying languages "L gues!:i 1'.11be tended Ohio Wesleyan, Oklahoma A. and up all night again" steady Dean's M. and Bucknell ... likes practical jokes, Lister, but always ready for Fun ... will e~pecially where roommates are concerned remember a certain Christmas for that . thinks college traditions
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