Page 92 - YB1948_Classical
P. 92
MARY RUTH O'KELLY CARLO OIUENZL 504 East Arlington Avenue 4609 Hampnen Avenue Baltimore 1.2, Maryland Baltimore 14, Maryland Home Economics cu: I, 2; Choir 3, 4; CLass President 3, 4; Boxuig J, 2, 3, Coach Who 4; ROTC 4; Foo/.&ol/./, 2, 3, 4; Who" Phi Alpha Mu., Secretary 4 Officer's Club 4 "Cinzo" . otherwise known as the "Susie" . lovable disposition, bubbling "Champ" ... majored in econ. and phys. personality, always ready to help and un- ed ... received two Eastern Intercollegiate derstand .. has a twinkle in her eye . championships topped by the Best Boxer plenty of Irish wit . infectious giggle . award in the same circuit .. married ex- when she isn't worrying she's thinking \\fMC co-ed in '47 tentatively plans on about why she should be. . a February career in the army first sergeant in the grad ... dentistry is a noble profession. MP's.. very well-liked by both students one of Earp's protegees ... eats slowly and and faculty members ... one of the guar- sleeps soundly ... "It's been real, kids, but dians of the Hill during the U. of M. siege I've just got to go to bed". straightforward, "swell guy". 39
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