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F1\ANK K. MIDDLETON ROWE PlUCE MOORE 4 East WeSl Street 1813 South lioad Classboro, New Jersey Baltimore 9, Maryland Student Government t , Soccer 1; l nurlra- Wrest.ling 3; Tennis 3, 4; Cwnllw Beta Chi, tenuty Council Vice President 4; Aloha 3,4 Assistant Editor 4; Camma Beta. Chi, Vice- Gamma 4 Studies economics while playing his saxo- Plans to enter medical school upon gradua- phone .. _he's good aL economics .. insti- tion ... versatile, easy-going and likeable gator of an extensive Rogues' Gallery in _. has his own special brand of humor. Albert Norman ... easiest man in the world uses picturesque language .. likes all to wake for a first period class ... "ser- sports, especially lacrosse, swimming and vice" stories limited to five minutes where basketball thinks Texas has "every- he lives. . hot feature articles come from thing" ... one of Hill's best dressers his pen. _ liver tastes good.. enjoyed weight-lifter southern belles-that's hiking early in his college career _ .. finds what he likes about the soutb . spends Bert Russell a stimulating author on Chris- hours improving his pinochle game .. tian philosophy. or the Ocean City "beachcombers" ... "J desire Lohave this ... "
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