Page 183 - YB1948_Classical
P. 183
Western Maryland has never becn de- feated in 1.1Homecoming game, and 19~·7 was no exception. The Terrors ejected a little sunshine into a stormy day by knock- ing orr Dickinson 19-0. While the weather assisted in grounding the highly-rated Dick- inson ail' auack, Harry Bush and Si Tullai were instrumental in halting the ground M· tack from their line-backing positions. 1n the final tilt of the season, Western Maryland was held to a 14-14 deadlock by Johns Hopkins University at Homewood. Giannelti Corrado The g1.1111efollowed a week of campus raids by Hopkins men and hair-cuuing by West- ern Maryland students seeking revenge. Saturday brought an afternoon or chills and spills. The Terrors started fast with Joe Giannelli and Walt Piavis scoring to build up a 14-0 lead, but the Blue Jays came back with a dazzling passing attack to tie the count in the third period. With less than a minute remaining Stan Kula- kowski led a drive deep into Hopkins terri- tory. The contest ended with nerves at H high pitch as the final gun barked with the ball in Western Maryland possession on the Johns Hopkins seven yard strip. Thus ended a winning season. Paul Margarita Corlett) SUMMARY Opponent Score or-e WMC Harvard 0 52 Gettysburg 0 6 Catholic University 21 7 Washington College 41 0 Hampden-Sydney 26 0 Delaware 0 26 Dickinson 19 0 Johns Hopkins 14 14 Totals 121 105
   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188