Page 78 - YB1947
P. 78
ERNEST TWIGG-"Twigg" to most of those who know him . toll, slim psychology major ... used that subject on white rots and a certain little coed he got to say "yes" . fond of tennis and skiing deep thinker ... college choir member since freshman days ... expounds his theories .. "Don't fence me in!" KENNETH W. VOLK-"Ken" ... Prof. Hurt's no. 1 tennis player .. oltor-bound in June with WMC coed ... Who's Who member .. sharp and sarcastic wit .. congenial and well-liked by fellow students will miss his wrestling matches with his room-mote loves his fun as well a~ pre-dental studies. CHARLES L. WARNER-Known affectionately by his friends as the "jockey" quiet and cooperative in spite of his first-sergeant rating in the ROTC . good pill roller. . won't give the coeds a break .. got the devil in his eye .. dry wit .. four-year stretch with the Army Air Corps in CBI. CARL E. WEBB-"Carlo" to the fellows .. physics moior and economics minor. . has a technique for putting paint on the canvas .. seen in the music hall, golf course, or in the dark room . photogra- pher for campus functions. . always has time for a "game" with the boys ex-Army lieutenant. KATHRYN W. WHEELER-Marian Kathryn Whiteford Wheeler ("Cosey" to you) loves horses . chronic bridge player. Margaret ond Earl's steady customer drives the school cor with the finesse of a truck driver it's not the some without "Brit" .. pions to teach in the state of Washington. GEORGE WILSON-One of our best actors in the College Players ... on the debating team great friend of Professor Hurt . in A.AJ. for thirty-seven months ploys a good game of golf did on excellent job as program chairman for I.R.C. was a varsity wrestler plans to be a journalist. 74
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