Page 65 - YB1947
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WILLIAM R. MERRIMAN-"Bill" ... transfer from Frostburg State Teochers' College. . at home on baseball diamond, soccer field or in the pulpit. . gentleman on all occasions hard player and hord worker . always extending a helping hond. . present plans call for Boston Theological Seminory. JEANETTE MILHOLLAND-Sigma president .. cheerful, trustworthy, and efficient ... decided interest in science plans to go right on juggling slides and test tubes after graduation likes money, naturally curly hair, money, sleep, money!. wonder why her friends call her "Pee-witz"? MARY ELIZABETH MILLER-"Betly" on energetic and versatile biology major, moth minor loves to take long walks .. only senior organ student. . is never still for a minute .. sort of "Jack" of 01\ trades to a joke she says, /II think thor's funny!" and then, "What does that mean?/I PAUL F. MILLER-Former day-hop who likes the campus for its advantageous social contacts .. economics major .. a conscientious worker. likes tennis, bridge, and ping-pong. active in the Gamma Bets . plans to do graduate work in business administration at the University of Morylond. SARAH MARTHA MOORE-Long-stemmed, blue-eyed Sorah ("pleose don't call me Sadie!"). . per- sonality plus. . remembered for her drall joke about the three men under the umbrella ... on artful artlessness . plans to do graduote work in psychology, much to the relief of the chemistry department. BETTY JOY MORRIS-The girl with the naturally curly eyes hates breakfast and wearing shoes likes Debussy and hamburgers . lives in Catonsville but can't forget Coralina-North, that is . an ever-ready fourth for bridge. a phenomenal memory and quiet humor. . "I think that's inane." I L 61
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