Page 69 - YB1947
P. 69
'THOMAS E. O'lEARY_JlTom". . sparkling smile on a level head. dining hall may close without him ... charter member of the renowned Westminster light Society ... "ln the education class" at home in the chemistry lab or on the soccer field. . pleasant disposition . varied interests. ELEANOR PEARSON-"Pearce" who "loves people-just loves 'em! love to dance with people-just love it!". . pet loves are Bill and Earl's. . Delta Sigma Kappa president ... hails from New Jersey miss seeing her with "Shuckie". . long black hair and blue eyes. a fourth floor bridge hound. WilLIAM ELIASON PENNINGTON-"Bill" the boy who came to college to be strictly a student, but devoted much time to athletics . owns his own farm but intends to teach. . once envisioned himself as a palitician ... will still talk politics to anyone. possessor of many nicknames due to his proboscis. FRANKLIN BAILEY PHELPS-"Mr. Phelps" to most of us ... tall and dark ... winning smile and soothing voice ... minister of several local churches ... came to Westminster from Washington ... confesses to an interest in dramatics . pet hate is his wife's radio, which "won't work unless you sock it." MICHAEL PHIlLlPS-"Mike" ... needs no introduction ... great sense of humor. . ping-pong enthusiast was a military policeman for three years ... excellent golfer ... All Maryland center-1942 ... hearty laugh friendly and smiling .. liked geology . junior varsity football ond basketball coach. NICHOLAS J. PISCANO-"Nick" ... prince of the personalities ... Joisey boy who makes music-and gaod. charter member of the Westminster Light Society. if there's depth of feeling Nick's around . pre-med philosopher with the handy wit . soul-rending vocal on "Casanova's Lament" "dimples." 65
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