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MARTHA IRMA lIBIS-Transfer from Salisbury State Teachers' College ... has a contagious smile generous with her time. "knocks herself out" helping others. has learned her way around Ihe infirmary during her slay on the Hill and plans to be a doctor friendliest girl in McDaniel. ANNE WORTHINGTON UTTLE-"Lillie Anne Little" . day student. . home ec. major and prospective teacher always on refreshment committees ... plays Bach with gusto.. drinks gallons of water . aspires to playing goad bridge would like to be called "Anne Worthington' . "Hello there!" AMY RUTH MAXWELL-One of McDaniel's redheads . cherishes memories of freshman year and the ASTP . likes Tennyson's poetry but not the dining hall food ... unmistakeable giggle. has a brother "Pret," on campus. . looking forward to a future at Chapel Hill ... accent strictly from Dixie. JEAN McDOWElL-Southern Maryland accent ... home economics major and a darn good seamstress .. blond hair thai "just won't grow" ... talks about her niece, linda .. plans 10 leach. . has a certain sparkle cbout her left hand and a sparkle 10 match it in her eves when anyone mentions August. CARLTON E. MENDELL-"Carl' came to us from the elcss of '45 because of his time out in the Army ... did a great job in the backfield married a WMC coed ... nice smile ... zooms around in his Packard coupe. . definite New England accent . good looking clothes always ready for an argument. HENRY EMERSON MEREDITH-A "bock 10 the Shore man" ... is qood natured and has a 101 of common alwoys ready for a bull session. . did a "strotqht hitch" through college. "It's thts'c way" respected for his sincerity of purpose plans call for Princeton Theological Seminary.
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